Miller, Isaiah (“Shaike”)

Miller, Isaiah (“Shaike”)

Son of Shalom and Eve. He was born on the 28th of Sivan 5705 (May 30, 1945) in Rishon Letzion. He studied at Haviv Elementary School in Rishon Letzion and at the vocational high school in Holon, where he studied mechanics. During his spare time, he read books of all kinds – Jewish literature and general literature. He was a brilliant conversationalist and knew many areas – in literature, history, the Bible, psychology and politics – he was drafted into the IDF in October 1963, excelled as a loyal and talented soldier and in April 1966 joined the permanent army. On the 17th of Shevat 5770 (24.1.1970), Sergeant Major Yeshayahu fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. His commander eulogized him on his grave and told of the three years he had known Isaiah. For the first time they recognized a brigade exercise-and in this exercise he immediately stood up for his qualities-strong willpower, dedication and diligence at work. “One of the best and most pleasant periods of service was to work with a man and a soldier like Miller,” said his commander. He detailed the qualities and virtues of Isaiah, as they were discovered during the period that they served together and praised his decency, diligence, and loyalty as a man and as a soldier. Yeshayahu was not deterred by volunteering to carry out any mission, in the framework of his position, even if he did not like it, and always did what was best done to him. The commander said that he would come to visit him in the units he worked in, in the positions in the Jordan Valley and the Beit Shean Valley, for many hours a day and at night, until all the equipment he was in charge of was 100 percent fit. In this way, Yeshayahu was a source of encouragement for his soldiers and instilled confidence, will and energy in his work. The commander said: “In preparation for operational operations, he would beg and ask me to send him along with the fighters, and always saw his mission in the army as a combat unit and his life dream to participate in operational activities. He has a role in which he will finally be able to take part in a combat operation with the fighters in the first row, and after the fighters return, he remains, as is his last habit, to see and check that all the vehicles that have to return home will arrive without any mishaps on the way. , But Miller did not come back, Miller did not come to us and could not tell Asher Rats To the book, about the deeds of the action, as he promised one of his comrades during the battle. “

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