Milikovsky, Amishlom (Ami)

Milikovsky, Amishlom (Ami)

Son of Elisheva and Yerachmiel was born on 16.6.1915 in Akron, where his father served as a teacher and was educated under the supervision of the local school When the father was transferred to the girls’ school in Safed in 1928, Amishlom continued his studies in the Talmud- Torah “Mizrachi” in Safed and was exemplary to the locals in his polite manner and natural courtesy. After graduating from elementary school, he studied for a year at the “Mizrahi” teachers’ seminary in Jerusalem. He was forced to stop his studies because of financial difficulties and moved to Mikvah Yisrael. After graduating with honors from the agricultural school, he stayed there for another three years as a laborer and a guard, and then served another three years as a police officer in Safed. After a while he was appointed general secretary and coordinator of the JNF’s regional bureau for Safed and the Upper Galilee. During his four years of service, he worked hard to make a living for the idea and in effect of redeeming the land. As a guide for summer campers and tourists, he was honored by them and they presented him with a donation to the JNF for planting 30 trees. In his willingness to understand others, small and large, he would be loved by all he knew. Was an active and active member of the Haganah. In the winter of 1948, he devoted himself to the defense of Safed and sacrificed his life day and night in securing the Jewish part of the city, always taking his place in the most dangerous positions and continuing until his dying day. On April 28, 1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Safed.

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