Milanov, Eliezer (Eli)

Milanov, Eliezer (Eli)

Eliezer, son of Esther and Zeev, was born on 27.3.1947 in Birewit, Germany, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1948. In Israel, he studied at Nir Elementary School and at the Kiryat Ono High School, Eliezer was a diligent student and was especially active in social activities and was active in the “Hanoar Haoved” in Kiryat Ono, first as an apprentice and afterward as a guide and was admired by his many friends. Even though before his induction, he paid for electronics at the Air Force Technical School. He took a tank artillery course and a tank commander’s course of the Centurion and was an outstanding tank commander. During the Six-Day War, he fought in Sinai with his tank unit and later became a guide at the Armored Corps School. He is considered an excellent guide and knowledgeable in the various armor professions. During his service, he was awarded the “Six Day War” and “Operation Service Mark”. After his regular service, he was placed in a reserve unit of the Armored Corps and was called for periods of reserve duty in his unit. After his release, Eliezer worked at IAI as a controller of chemicals and plastics. From there he moved to Mabat, a subsidiary of Israel Aircraft Industries. Thanks to his excellence in the work, his great knowledge, and dedication, he soon reached a senior position in the factory. Eliezer was an outstanding athlete. He first played soccer in Kiryat Ono, then moved to the basketball team of his place of work – IAI – and for a time played for the Maccabi basketball team in Petah Tikva. He was a cheerful, life-loving young man, a devoted friend, and a good person. A faithful husband to his wife and a model father to his son. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Eliezer was one of the first armored personnel carriers of the IDF brigades, who went up to the Golan Heights to prepare for and stop the Syrian attacks. His tank was hit by enemy fire and brought to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, leaving behind a wife, son, parents, and sister, he was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant,
In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote that Eliezer served as a model for his comrades and subordinates and fulfilled his missions with dedication and loyalty. A chapter on the character and life of Eliezer is included in the “Brigade” booklet, published by the brigade headquarters, in which Eliezer fought during the Yom Kippur War

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