Mikotov, Michael

Mikotov, Michael

Michael, son of Laura and Max, was born on March 30, 1946 in Kiryat Bialik, near Haifa. Michael was drafted into the IDF in early August 1964 and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade, where he served as a squad commander in a paratroopers unit. During the Six-Day War he participated in the battles to conquer the Old City of Jerusalem, and participated in the battle of Karameh. During the Yom Kippur War, Miki participated in the braking battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. In a battle that took place on the 22nd of Tishrei 5734 (18.10.1973), at the Tzach junction west of the Canal, Mickey was hit and killed in an attack on Abu Sultan. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Tivon. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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