Migovski (Meged), Yaakov

Migovski (Meged), Yaakov

Son of Rivka and Ephraim. He was born on 28.6.1934 in Mosesville, Argentina. This town was one of those Jewish colonies established with the assistance of Baron Hirsch, for Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. In his hometown Jacob studied both in elementary school and in high school. Yaakov joined the Dror youth movement at a young age. He was active until 1953, when his entire family decided to immigrate to Israel and join the eldest son, who immigrated to Israel two years earlier and joined Kibbutz Mefalsim in the Negev. A year after his immigration, Yaakov was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Nahal Brigade. After completing basic training, he joined the members of the “Maanit” training program and went with them to Kibbutz Gonen in the Upper Galilee. In the kibbutz he engaged, among other things, in hunting as a hobby. On October 18, 1955, Yaakov went hunting in an area bordering the farm fields near the Hula Valley and was attacked by shots of the Syrian National Guard, and he was dragged in a fight with his captors to the Syrian post, With the help of IDF scouts and UN personnel from the Armistice Commission, to track him down, but to no avail.a few days after Jacob’s disappearance, Israeli troops raided the Syrian lines to abduct Syrian hostages, among other things as a reward for the kidnapping of Yaakov. The Syrians denied that they knew anything about him When five Israeli prisoners were returned to Israel in return for the Syrian prisoners, Yaakov was not among those returning. Many of his family, with the help of the army and the military rabbinate, tried to locate his burial place, but despite all the efforts, the searches did not reveal anything: after the Six-Day War there was a diary at the Syrian headquarters in Kuneitra, Where he was kidnapped and buried not far from the Syrian outpost, and Yaakov placed two parents and two brothers Baruch and Nachum.

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