Michal, Israel

Michal, Israel

Son of Leah and Elimelech Chaim, was born on December 25, 1929 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. In 1934 he immigrated with his family to Israel and the family settled in Bnei Brak. Where he completed elementary school and studied at the Ramat Gan branch of the Montefiore vocational high school. Then he helped his father with his work as a glaze. Israel was involved in table tennis. He joined the Etzel underground and in the winter of 1948, when the War of Independence broke out, he served in local operations against the Arabs. The first battle he took was the conquest of the village Yehudiya by Etzel forces, and was later combined with his unit into the IDF. At the time of the tension created by the arrival of the Altalena, he deserted with his friends at the command of the Zrifin camp. Afterward, he returned to the army and was joined with a company in the Givati ​​Brigade and went to the southern front. Israel completed a demining course and served as an anti-tank launcher. Israel fell in the battle of al-Burj near son of Shemen on September 16, 1948. A monument in his memory was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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