Michaelovsky, Avraham-Elyakim

Michaelovsky, Avraham-Elyakim

Son of Chaya and Elimelech, was born on October 18, 1926, in Lodz, Poland, and after his first elementary education he immigrated to Israel in 1933. He worked as a metalworker at the age of seventeen and a half, Served as a corporal with the Jewish Brigade throughout its incarnations and reached Holland, where he was sent to organize the escape of the Jews from Eastern Europe to Eretz Israel, was caught and managed to be liberated. “Defense”, and acted as a guide. Upon the outbreak of the War of Independence, he underwent a naval training course and, after finishing, received a platoon for commanding him, calling his men, caring for them and having compassionate pain. After his capture in the 10-day battles, his company replaced his company on July 15, 1948, in the evening of another company from the brigade in the posts east of Culla, and had not yet managed to prepare and dig in properly at the site On the morning of the 9th of Tammuz 5708 (July 16, 1948) the Legion forces attacked the outpost. Aided by artillery fire and armored vehicles, swept the department posts at the front post and forced the company to withdraw. Abraham was one of the first fallen and did not have time to say goodbye to his comrades – his subordinates who fell in the same place. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. After he fell, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant.

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