Michaeli, Ehud (Udi)

Michaeli, Ehud (Udi)

Son of Rachel and Michael, was born on 11.3.1961 in Ahituv, near Hadera. Ehud graduated from the Yekon regional elementary school in Emek Hefer. He was not attracted to theoretical studies and at some point decided to study car mechanics. A year later he found that this was not the right choice. He went on to continue his high school studies and finished the new high school in Netanya with the theoretical track. Ehud was strong in body and strong in spirit. From his youth, he saw his future as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, and he loved the country and its landscapes, traveled extensively and led his friends on trips. His ambition was to reach the naval commando unit, but when he failed, he volunteered for Golani. He underwent basic training and was assigned to the reconnaissance unit as a machine gunner. In March 1980 he took a parachuting course. Two months later he took a course for APC drivers and a reconnaissance course, and in February 1981 he took a commanding officer course. Ehud turned out to be a brave fighter, with excellent physical fitness. He was promoted to the rank of corporal in June 1980. In July 1981, he completed an officer’s course, was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel and was sent to train recruits in the Golani Brigade. Ehud was not pleased with his role. He preferred to command a combat unit in the field and finally got what he wanted. In January 1982 he returned to the Golani Brigade and took command of a platoon, which he developed into an excellent fighting unit. He excelled both as a commander and as a member of his subordinates. When he served in the northern communities, he volunteered to work in his spare time at Kibbutz Kfar Giladi, and during his vacations Udi used to cultivate the garden in his home and take care of the young avocado orchard. He traveled to the outskirts of Beirut and spent his short vacations in hospital visits with his wounded soldiers, and in the war he was able to inspire and encourage them, just as he encouraged them in the exhausting journeys of training. In July 1982, Udi was promoted to lieutenant. On the day of 15 Av 5742 (August 4, 1982), he was hit and killed by enemy fire while trying to rescue a wounded man from a burning armored personnel carrier in Beirut, west of Bourj-el-Barajna. He was 21 years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Hadera military cemetery. Survived by his parents, three sisters and two brothers. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Lieutenant Ehud gave his life for his homeland, and he fell in Beirut, Lebanon. Was known for his concern for his soldiers. Aspired to advance in the military framework. He formed an excellent platoon.” The commander of his unit wrote: “He loved the army and thought of continuing his service. He participated in the Peace for Galilee War from the first day until the last battle. Went a long and hard way with courage and bravery, while keeping his soldiers strictly guarded. Was a courageous commander who was not deterred by anything.”

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