Michael Azaria

Michael Azaria

Born in Waria, Greece, on February 11, 1924, he grew up in a Zionist home and acquired a higher education. He studied medicine at the University of Athens, but did not complete his studies. In December 1946, he made aliyah to Israel. He immediately joined the Haganah and was sent to the Hagash unit and was sent to the defense of Birya and then to Mount Canaan. He participated in the conquest of Safed and among Malkiya, served in the Oded Brigade, and after the first truce he was sent to a squad commanders’ course, before taking part in Operation Brosh, an attempt to destroy the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area. Michel fell on 3 Tamuz, July 10, 1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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