Metzkevich, David

Metzkevich, David

Son of Zelda and Yehoshua Aryeh, was born on September 25, 1926, in the city of Vilna, Poland, and began studying in a Hebrew school in his city. He immigrated to Israel with his family in February 1935. David completed an elementary school in Kiryat Haim and the vocational school of the Technion in Haifa in the framework of frameworks. As a member of Hapoel, he played a lot of sports. In 1944, he enlisted in the Jewish Brigade, stayed in Egypt, Italy, Holland and Belgium and worked among the refugees. On the date of his release he continued his work in Germany, without the knowledge of the authorities, for another nine months. After returning to Israel he worked for Solel Boneh, first as a black laborer, and later as a metalworker. In December 1947, with the outbreak of the War of Independence following the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the partition of the country, he joined the army, served in the Carmeli Brigade and participated in the first Yehiam battle. On the afternoon of March 27, 1948, a convoy of seven vehicles and 90 people left Nahariya to deliver supplies, reinforcements, and reinforcements to Yiham, and the caravan encountered an ambush by the Arabs. The convoy was ambushed, and the soldiers of the convoy fought until the evening and under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but about half of them fell in battle, and David and his brother Yosef were among the fallen.

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