Metania Ruvenstein

Metania Ruvenstein

The eldest son of Rina and Meir Chaim. He was born on July 13, 1980, in Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, where his parents settled when they immigrated to Israel from the United States in 1979. Brother to Dagan, Itai, Daniel and Jordana. Metania grew up in the kibbutz. From the first to twelfth grade, he studied at the Shaked School in Sde Eliyahu. During his high school studies, Metania chose a communications track and enjoyed photography and film editing. At every opportunity he went with the guys to nature to travel, and on trips took many pictures of friends and landscape. Matanya was a good volleyball player, a sport he loved very much, and played in the youth team of Hapoel Beit She’an. At the end of his studies, Matanya chose to join the Beit Yisrael program, which is located in the Beit Yisrael Municipal Kibbutz in Jerusalem. In the preparatory course, a group of religious and secular young men and women who postponed their enlistment to the IDF each year was formed to contribute to the field of education, to guide youth, and to cope with social hardships. They also include Jewish studies, and Matanya liked the combination of learning and personal strengthening and the contribution to Israeli society, with everything going on in a dialogue of tolerance and mutual respect between the religious and the secular in the preparatory program. To practical Zionism, which also has a contribution and a receipt. At the end of the preparatory year, In November 1999, Matanya was recruited to the IDF, to the Golani Project, to which the graduates of the various preparatory programs volunteer, in order to join the Golani battalions, with the intention of serving together with all segments of the population and bringing in commanders from the field who know the atmosphere and the soldiers. Matanya finished his commanding course, served first as a squad commander, and later as a sergeant in the battalion, and he was very fond of the unit and identified with the social goals of the Golani project. In preparation for Operation Defensive Shield. He managed to celebrate Seder with all the members of his family, for the last time, and the next day he parted from them and went on a mission. On the morning of Monday, April 8, 2002, Metania and a Golani force left for the Jenin refugee camp. During the house-to-house raid, in an attempt to harm the terrorists and in an effort not to harm the civilian population, Muntia was shot and killed by terrorists. With him was his friend, Sergeant Shmuel Weiss, was killed. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. After his death, he was promoted to the rank of Major General, who was buried in the military section of the Tirat Zvi cemetery and left behind his parents, three brothers and a sister, and his friends who knew him during his various stages of life. He had a broad heart and a wonderful ability to give, who enchanted all his acquaintances, and he accepted every person as he was, out of respect for others. , The gentleness and inner quietness of people who knew their way safely, used to greet everyone with a broad smile, young as an adult D or a stranger, and was loving peace, pursuing peace and respect for the people. Waistcoat believed his own way, a fight which fell – a fighter and a hero for the sake of a quiet life to the people of Israel in the Land of Israel.

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  • Name: מרק
    Relationship: Family member
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