Messiah, Yaniv

Messiah, Yaniv

Son of Nili and Reuven. Yaniv was born in Tel Aviv in 1984. When the family was born, he lived in the Shabazi neighborhood of Tel Aviv, and after a year moved to Jaffa, where Yaniv grew up and was educated, and he grew up with his brother Kobi and never bothered to bother his parents. He was very fond of his friends and helped them, but Yaniv loved to play soccer, so he did a lot of judo work. At the age of ten, he reached second place in the judo championship in Tel Aviv, and despite the fact that he grew up in a difficult environment, the education he received at home was values, excellence, Yaniv grew up to be a young, values-oriented and responsible man, a principled man who kept the family’s values ​​in a most zealous manner.Janiv joined the IDF in December 2002. His request was for a combat unit, and as he said: “Only the Border Police.” The border, completed his training period in basic training, and was stationed at the Border Police in Judea and Samaria, a 25-year-old company in Tarqumiya, a unit that operates in the territories against hostile terrorist activity. He did not leave his weapon at any stage, and even during vacations, even if he only spent a few hours with the family, he talked about his activities, his comrades in the company, and about the country that must be protected from those who rise up against it. Yaniv was very fond of his comrades in the company, always Simcha, cooperating and helping everyone. On April 25, 2004, the jeep Yaniv was traveling in was involved in a clash with a terrorist squad that came from the direction of Idna, and a battle ensued during which bullets penetrated into the protected jeep. He was buried at the military cemetery in Holon, leaving behind his parents and four brothers and sisters

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