Mesika, Oren

Mesika, Oren

Son of Tzippi and Charles. Born on March 22, 1972 in Bat Yam, Oren was born to a loving and loving family, the brother of his two sisters Ayala and Hagit, who began his studies at the AD Gordon Elementary School in Bat Yam and continued at the ” Holtz “in Tel Aviv, Oren was a boy, and later a man who had a sense of security around him – his physical strength, his ability to support and give, a combination of roughness and tenderness and human warmth, and he drew attention in his firm physical presence, The sensitivity and deep ability to love that was hidden behind her, Oren was full of joie de vivre, adventurous, who likes to be active and constantly moving, surrounded by friends and family. Oren joined the IDF, full of motivation and a desire to contribute. After completing his basic training as an outstanding trainee and training as a combat soldier, Oren went on to a course for commanders and an officer’s course, and graduated with honors. Oren was one of the pillars of the company where he served, energetic and authoritative, someone who could always be trusted, “to follow him with his eyes closed,” as his subordinates said, to them was pain. Oren served as platoon commander and later as a company commander who was proud of his subordinates. He knew how to raise his motivation and morale, how to train his soldiers, to channel them in operational activity and in the daily routine – and they saw him as an admired commander and a true friend. During his service at the Adam facility, Oren met Anat, who served as an officer at the base, and they decided to marry, and Oren went on vacation and they married in August 1996. Two days later they flew to a month-long honeymoon in the United States, On the day of their return to Israel, Oren was informed of difficult news, and on the same day, 26.9.1996, six of his soldiers were killed in a battle over Joseph’s Tomb. “In August 1990, she enlisted in the company” Eshuh “, when she was a plug. Independent. You did all the combat in the company, from soldier to company commander. During this period, many events, missions and operational employment were transferred to Hebron and Samawa. In 1995 we established the Haruv Battalion and you were a full and leading partner in the entire construction process. You were a commander in the battalion, commanded a company that went through difficult periods in the territories and succeeded! In training and in operational employment, demonstrating professionalism, adhering to the mission and striving for perfection that was expressed in the achievements of the company. “I called you urgently on Friday, after the battle at Joseph’s Tomb, in which six fighters, most of them from your company, were killed, and I wanted you to get to the company where you finished the company before the battle, to help the company deal with the great loss. You just landed, you and Anat, from the United States, from the honeymoon, and I’ve already brought you back to the company. You did not say a word, you immediately went on a mission. You have done this sacred work well, as you know how to do. Your soldiers and the bereaved families of the fighters will testify to this. “On the day of his holiday, Oren helped to plant a large ficus tree, and the tree collapsed and broke the neck of Oren, who was killed on the spot at the age of twenty-five. After his death Oren was promoted to the rank of Major, who was buried in the military cemetery in Holon and left behind his parents, two sisters and a wife, Anat, and his family commemorated him in a public park in Moshav Hagor, where he wanted to build his house and raise his children. “Oren’s Garden,” in memory of the six soldiers who fell in the battle for Joseph’s Tomb

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