Meshulam, Ben-Chayil

Meshulam, Ben-Chayil

Son of Shalom and Kochba. He was born on April 4, 1951 in Tel Aviv. He studied at Yeshivat Nahalat Yehuda, near the Sde Chemed Youth Village in Rishon Letzion, where he completed his elementary studies and high school studies. About two years before his fall, he received an award for excellence in oral examination before the head of the yeshiva, in ten pages of Gemara in tractate Kiddushin (with Tosafot and Rashi commentary.) Evidence of his excellence in his studies were the many books he received from his teachers and educators. He knew a moment of idleness, always knew how to take advantage of his free time for useful work and to study his studies, he loved knitting, and this was a hobby for all his spare time, and his friends enjoyed his time with him and loved him because he was devoted to them. In February 1969 he was assigned to the Armored Corps. On 21.1.1971, while he was in the service of Sidar, he fell while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved parents, his commander noted that their son served in his unit for more than six months and was an outstanding soldier who fulfilled all the duties he was willingly and lovingly assigned.

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