Menachem, Michael (Mickey)

Menachem, Michael (Mickey)

Son of Esther and Nechemiah, he was born on 28.5.1961 in Jerusalem. His family lived in Moshav Mesilat Zion. Michael began studying at the Even HaEzer elementary school in Moshav Nocham. He studied for two years at the Shaarei Torah school in Jerusalem and completed his studies at the Even Ha’Ezer High School. Michael was very diligent in nature, loved to read books and devoted his time to working with youth. Michael was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-October 1979 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, where he completed various officer courses and was authorized to serve as a platoon commander in the Armored Corps. In long, open-hearted conversations that lasted until the wee hours of the night, the soldiers would open their hearts, discuss their problems, and Mickey with a smile on his lips and with endless patience would listen, answer and solve problems. One of his soldiers, a member of the hesder yeshiva, even said that Michael meant Ben-Gurion when he said : “You will know every Hebrew mother who gave the fate of her sons to the commanders who deserve it.” Mickey was a personal example of his soldiers with his professional knowledge and his willingness to help everyone, and when one of them was missing a winter coat, Mickey did not hesitate for a moment, and gave his. When the soldiers asked him what he it would be like, how he would remain without a coat, Mickey replied simply, “Do not worry, I’ll manage.” On 9 Av, 29 July 1982, Michael died in the performance of his duties and was put to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left parents, brother and sister. In his letter of condolence to the family, his commander said that “it was made clear to me that Mickey had fulfilled his duties in a superb way and was in favor of his soldiers and the success of his training.” A Torah scroll in his name was placed in the synagogue in Moshav Mesilat Zion.

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