Melesa, Misganau (Eli)

Melesa, Misganau (Eli)

Ben Zaudito (Tzilzel) and Obt. Was born on August 12, 1985 in the city of Wazwa, Ethiopia, the third son of a family of nine. In 1991, the family immigrated to Israel and Misgnaou won his Israeli name – Eli. When they arrived in Israel, the family lived in the caravan site in Hatzerot Yassaf, and then moved to their permanent home in Netanya. Eli began his studies here at the Moriah Elementary School, and graduated from the Shapira religious high school. He was remembered as a good and quiet student who knew how to honor his friends and teachers. During his high school studies, Eli was chosen from among many students to participate in the delegation that left for Poland, in recognition of his work. The journey left a deep impression on him and strengthened his connection to the people and the state. Eli was a devoted and loving family member, a kind person and loved by people. At the end of March 2005 he enlisted in the Border Police, and immediately stood out for his excellent fighting skills and the good treatment he gave his friends. Eli was a model soldier, performed all the tasks that were imposed on him impeccably, and upon completion of his training as a combat soldier, was sent to serve in the Border Police unit in the Judea and Samaria area. He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Netanya, leaving his parents, four sisters – Sara, Hadas, Shlomit and Tamar and two brothers – Yossi and Avraham.

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