Melamed, Shimon

Melamed, Shimon

Son of Henzel. Born in Minsk, White Russia. At the beginning of the Second Aliya he immigrated to Israel together with his wife, and came to the Sejera farm to study agriculture, but since he was an expert carpenter he was employed by Baroness clerks in his work. Since he had not abandoned his desire to work in agriculture, after a few years of carpentry work, he was given a leasehold farm. David Ben-Gurion recounted this in his memoirs: “Shimon Melamed was the happiest person in the moshava at that time, and the dream he had been living for a few years became a reality, although his farm was still a beginner in the peasantry. The year 1909 was known in the Lower Galilee as a year of land disputes with Arab neighbors, robbing herds of Arab robbers, and attempts to attack Jewish communities On 21 Nisan, the last day of Passover (12.4.1909), the Arabs of the area attacked Sejera and some of the residents of the village went out to chase the assailants and attack them. Among those leaving were Shimon Melamed and Yisrael Korngold, and both fell in a clash. Shimon was buried in a mass grave with Israel in the Sejera cemetery. In his memoirs, published in “Hapoel Hatzair” and his history and the reasons for his fall, Ben-Zion Michaeli wrote in his book ” “David Ben-Gurion’s Memoirs”.

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