Meisels, Gal

Meisels, Gal

Ben Pnina and Aryeh. He was born on the 13th of Tishrei, 5763 (13.9.1972) in Kiryat Ata, where he grew up and grew up in the “Yavne” elementary school and continued to the junior high school in the city. Even then he stood out as a favorite of people and people. When he reached ninth grade, he went to study at a religious-vocational yeshiva in the village of Citrin, at the foot of Mount Carmel, where he studied in the automotive mechanics program for four years and completed his thirteenth grade. , Organized parties, organized night parties and trips, volunteered first for each mission, and his classmates know that he dedicated his life to the public and starred in the moments of happiness of the society, but he was also serious when he needed a person who articulated his principled positions on issues related to religion and the state. In sports and he liked to play basketball, a fan of Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team In his youth, Gal joined the Bnei Akiva youth movement and was active and deeply involved in the life of the tribe of Nevatim, and later became a leader in the formation of the tribe. He encouraged and encouraged them in difficult moments, and raised his morale by organizing various activities such as poetry evenings, movies and trips, and his ambition was to see his students growing up, learning about the values ​​he absorbed in his parents’ home. The tradition of Israel, helping others and being willing to sacrifice themselves. His apprentices remember him as a friend rather than as a guide, despite the age gap between them. They say that he always came out for help, showed initiative and responsibility and became the object of admiration in the eyes of all. Even after leaving the training, he continued to take an interest in what was going on in the tribe and maintained close contact with his students. Gal was a warm man, with a broad smile and a strong hug, devoted to his family, which was his source of pride. He lavished presents on his mother and Fink infinitely enough of his nephews, respected his father, and made no significant move without his advice. The wave had a power of giving thanks to the innocent and absolute love that filled it. He believed that he should do as much as he could in the allotted time, and strive for achievements. The joy of life that had prevailed over him made him the living spirit in celebrations and celebrations. With his generosity and faith, he prayed at the tombs of the righteous, dealt with mercy and gave happiness to a handful of elderly Jews, when he was happy with the joy of the Torah. He liked to hear and sing Hassidic songs and would enrich the Sabbath table with his hymns. In the middle of July 1991, Gal enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces as a mechanic for Merkava, and in the summer of 1995 Gal and his son Galit , And built their home in Katzrin, in the Golan Heights, where Gal was fond of his wife, loved her and cared for all her needs, and his dream was to give her granddaughter to his parents. Four months before his fall, he moved to serve in Lebanon and was assigned to a penetrating outpost called “Pumpkin.” On the evening of the 28th of Shvat 577 (February 4, 1997), the helicopter disaster occurred when two Yasur helicopters collided over Moshav Shear Yashuv, and the seventy-three fighters, who made their way to operational activity in Lebanon, were killed, among them Gal. The cemetery in Kiryat Ata was twenty-four years old when he fell, leaving behind a wife, parents and two brothers, David and Ilan, in a letter of consolation”Gal served as a tank mechanic in the Hiram formation of the Northern Command, and was described by his commanders against a professional and dedicated man who displayed a high motivation for military service and who always had the best interests of his soldiers. “Brigadier General Michael Dayan, chief ordnance officer, wrote to the family:” Throughout his military service, recently in the Military Intelligence Unit, and later in the security sector in southern Lebanon, Brigadier General Michael Dayan was a commander and a professional soldier. By his commanders as someone who contributed a lot to his unit and knew how to combine endurance and perseverance with the joy of life and the relaxed atmosphere he created around him. ” “Gal volunteered to serve as a mechanic at the forefront of the” pumpkin “position, a front post in the security zone in southern Lebanon, as a token of motivation and a desire to contribute, but for a short time we were privileged to be with Gal, We will all yearn for his caring, for his kindness and for a smile that does not depart from his face. ” The worshipers of the synagogue for young people, in which Gal and his parents prayed, commemorated his memory by naming the synagogue’s hall, and Gal’s pupils set up a memorial in his garden adjacent to Bnei Akiva and the synagogue. At the ceremony, on the 30th anniversary of his downfall, the mayor, Yaakov Peretz, spoke: “Gal, who exists in Derech Eretz, Gal, who remembered all along his father’s morality and did not abandon the teachings of his mother, Gal, who was able to help others. To lavish love on his friends and this is reflected in his students – members of Bnei Akiva. Gal’s family donated a Torah scroll in his name, dedicated to the memory of those killed in the helicopter disaster. The Torah scroll was delivered to the synagogue for young people, at a religious community center in Kiryat Ata. The family and friends also published a memorial booklet in which they documented the course of Gal’s life in pictures, stories, poems and letters. “A huge wave, in a frenzy towards the horizon, a tremendous wave of animals sprang up, looked around and marveled … … plans to break through and ahead of the break. The young wave still has a lot to do,” he said. / In front of the east suddenly shattered! “.

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