Meirov, Yehuda

Meirov, Yehuda

Was born on June 12, 1929, in Moshav Ein Ganim near Petach Tikvah, where he completed five high school classes and joined the ranks of the Gadna. When he was 16, he joined the Palmach, spent some time in the Galilee, dreamed of settling in it, served in Givat Brenner during the famous weapons searches, trained in the Jezreel Valley and Beit Ha’arava, Accompanied by caravans, fought at Castel, and in the last chapter was among the defenders of Gush Etzion.22 On February 23, 1948, during an important defense function, he was seriously injured when a mine exploded in Kibbutz Revadim, and his friends said that when they came out of the avalanche he shouted: “Do not dare approach. There are three more mines in the room. “When he was treated for his severe wounds, he asked for the safety of his friends who were with him at the moment of the disaster. His parents and brothers managed to see him when he was still conscious and in the last moments of his life he told them about the details of the tragedy and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Petach Tikva. The plantation was cut off.

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