Meir, Benyamin

Meir, Benyamin

Son of Adele and Shimon, was born on ther 24th of Iyar, May 26, 1927 in Bucharest, Romania. Benyamin immigrated to Israel on April 16, 1944, on the “Maritsa A” ship. Benyamin joined the army in January 1948. First he was assigned guard posts at intersections, and he then completed a sabotage course and was assigned to a battalion of the Alexandroni Brigade. In this capacity Benyamin planted mines, cleared minefields and participated in the explosion of bridges. He was killed in Tel Litwinski in a landmine explosion on the 19th of Nissan, April 28, 1948. Benyamin was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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