Maya, Yaron

Maya, Yaron

Ben Hanna and Abraham. He was born on December 28, 1969 in Petah Tikva. Yaron grew up and was educated to love and respect everyone. This happened in kindergarten and later in school. He began his studies at the Shiffer Elementary School, then moved to the junior high school in Petah Tikva, where he continued his studies at the Ort Lubinsky vocational high school in Bnei Brak, where he excelled in his studies and acquired the mechanics of automotive mechanics. , A quiet, smiling child, a good boy, a soul of gold, loved food that was delicious, and on his way he respected a young man and a young man. He underwent general training, and according to his profession he was assigned to the Ordnance Corps. He was sent to a supplementary course in the army’s army training and finished with high grades, and his commanders testified that he was more self-disciplined, devoted, diligent, and efficient than usual. His uniqueness was soon revealed, and he was transferred to the operational area of ​​the unit. Later he was chosen as an outstanding soldier and represented the unit to the commander of the corps. He continued his duties while buying himself a place of respect and appreciation. After his discharge from the IDF, he began to work with his father in the construction industry, and he devoted himself to his work with all his limbs and knew how to turn and listen to everyone around him at every site he built. Yaron’s main hobbies were motorcycles and SUVs. He loved traveling in Israel, whether in the car or on foot, and also loved the sea and its entertainment. He listened to quiet music. At the beginning of April 1992, he was urgently called up for reserve duty for operational purposes. On April 17, 1992, Yaron fell in the line of duty. He was critically wounded in a road accident that occurred in the cave’s eye area and was hospitalized at Soroka Hospital, and after a desperate struggle he died. Yaron was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Petah Tikva. Survived by his parents, and four brothers – Yitzhak, Yuval, Yariv, and Jacob. He was twenty-three when he died. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Byron and his work in the unit embody many of the values ​​that we are educating, and we have chosen Yaron as an individual from many of the Armament Corps and we have succeeded in instilling involvement, responsibility and identification with the unit. Good and high motivation. ” “Yaron always wanted to take upon himself the more difficult tasks in order to make things easier for others, with the modesty and quiet that characterized him, the nights that became days, moments of tension before and after and after, and the end of hugs, shoulder slaps, Simha Shazar will not understand this, we, your friends and commanders, continue in the same way you loved to go. “

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