Matzunshvili, Avraham (Avi)

Matzunshvili, Avraham (Avi)

Son of Reuven and Ruth-Lucia. He was born on October 13, 1957 in the city of Kutaisi, Georgia, in July 1972. In July 1972, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Or Yehuda, where he had nine years of studies and was accepted to a school in Georgia At the age of six (while other children were accepted there at the age of seven), thanks to his high intellectual level, he began to study music and dancing in the second grade, and he was very successful in these fields, and he was a very sociable boy who was always surrounded by friends and friends who liked and admired him To help them with their studies, and he did so with all his Lev, and he also devoted time to sport and showed an interest in soccer and table tennis. When he first entered the classroom in Israel, Avi no longer looked so green, he spoke Hebrew without stuttering. He was accepted to a boarding school in the village of Yohanna Jabotinsky in Be’er Ya’akov, and in the early days he was still longing for his friends in far-off Georgia, but soon became acclimatized with his new friends and became one of them. And the accordion, and now his friends taught him to play the guitar. In general, he found great interest in music and even wrote several songs for himself. In Be’er-Yaakov he also dealt with soccer and table tennis. In mid-September 1975, they joined the IDF as part of the “Beitar” And established the Haruvit outpost in Petach-Rafiah, where he completed basic training and acquired the profession of the sapper in a course for battalion saboteurs, was sent to a commanding course and completed successfully with the rank of corporal, and was then marked by his commanders as a “good and disciplined soldier.” It was to be expected that he would continue to advance in the military path, and on the fifteenth of Sivan 5737 (May 31, 1977) he fell in the line of duty and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery. Who left behind his parents, brother and sister, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and his parents donated a Torah scroll in memory of Avraham in the Georgian immigrant synagogue in Or Yehuda.

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