Matzliah, Andre

Matzliah, Andre

Son of Eli and Marcel. He was born on June 3, 1950 in Tunis, Tunisia, and immigrated to Israel with his family through France in early 1957. He attended the Korczak school and continued his studies at the A – Both are in Be’er Sheva. In his youth, Andre was active in the “HaNoar HaOved” club and continued his extensive activities as a guide in his favorite sports – soccer and basketball. He is also a member of the Maccabi Beer-Sheva Association in these professions. In the sports games to which he devoted most of his time, he found the ability to organize and lead, and the sport’s fairness was inherent in his blood. Another “love” was the theater. As a primary school student, he regularly participated in plays in leading roles. He then joined the children’s theater. Along with sports and theater, he was his greatest love – the IDF – during his pre-army years, he would walk around his house and talk about the roles he would fill in the army, new friends he would find, weapons and ammunition, The uniform of a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1969, sent to an ammunition test course and was very fond of his colleagues and commanders, but he realized that he had to commit himself to the army for two years. Instead, he was expecting a parachuting course, and Andre liked life, he was full of gaiety and a good sense of humor, he used to work and earn a little money to buy himself small things or help at home because he was modest, kind and simple. Andre was candid and did not shy away from admitting guilt if he was in. He never gave up On December 30, 1970, he fell while serving in Neot Hakikar in the Arava. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. The commander of the unit wrote in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, among other things: “Andre was one of the soldiers of our soldiers, who loved his work and worked tirelessly. In “Afikim B’Negev,” the newsletter of the students of the “A” high school in Be’er Sheva, which was published on Yom HaAtzma’ut 5731, a few pages were dedicated to André’s memory, The Municipal High School in Beer Sheva, and a trophy in his memory was awarded to the winning team in a basketball tournament held in 1971 with the participation of four basketball teams from Be’er Sheva.

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