Markowitz, Yosef (“Yossi”)

Markowitz, Yosef (“Yossi”)

Son of Yeruham and Hannah. He was born on the 22nd of Tishrei, 5714 (22.9.1953) in the city of Vyacheshu, Romania, and when he was five, his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Hadera. He studied there at the Moriah State Religious School and was an active member of the Bnei Akiva religious youth movement. He loved to play and play with his contemporaries and was acceptable to them. At the school he was an outstanding student – especially in the Gemara studies – and won many prizes and appreciation for his clarity of mind, his striking answers, his astonishing perception and his great knowledge. He won first places in competitions and quizzes of proficiency, liked to argue, to exchange views and ideas with people from different circles. He continued his studies at the Kfar Ganim high school in Petah Tikva. During the two years he studied at the yeshiva, he gained a reputation for his diligence and knowledge, and his connections with the yeshiva rabbis continued even after he was forced to leave the yeshiva following the death of his father. He was a devoted son to his family and especially to his brother. Yossi was hired to work in the Nir Hadera plant and here he bought many friends among the workers and managers, because of his seriousness in work, integrity and loyalty. Yossi joined the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1972 and was assigned to the Signal Corps, where he took a wireless course and other courses and served in various places On Tuesday, January 6, 1973, Yossi fell while serving in the military section of the Hadera cemetery . His commander wrote in a letter of condolence to the family: “Yossi was loved by his commanders and his friends in the unit, he was friendly, smiling, courageous, devoted to his friends and volunteering for every role.”

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