Markowitz, Yehuda

Markowitz, Yehuda

Son of Mordechai and Sarah. He was born on the 26th of Tevet 5708 (26.1.1941) in the city of Butosheni in Romania. The family immigrated to Israel with him in 1948. When he reached school age, he began studying at the Tachkemoni School in Rishon Letzion and after graduating he moved to Michmoret School in Kfar Vitkin. He was drafted into the Israel Navy in April 1959 and served in the regular army after serving in the army in April 1959. An excellent chemist did the mechanical work in the Eilat destroyer with great dedication until, on the 18th of Tishrei 5721 (October 21, 1967) Was found dead in front of a Romanian beach in northern Sinai, because his body was not found in the depths of the sea, a tombstone was placed in his memory at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Makal – a space whose burial place is unknown.

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