Margi, Marcel

Margi, Marcel

Daughter of Joseph and Mazal, was born in 1957 in the city of Vizan, Morocco, a road accident that occurred when she was four years old, left her traces in the soft soul and as she grew older she used to recount the same accident. 5723, immigrated with her family to Israel. The family settled in Be’er Sheva. As a daughter of a traditional family, Marcel studied at the Maalot State Religious School and went on to the Karo School in order to acquire a profession for herself and was successfully accepted to the photography school at the school. At the end of July 1975 and was put into the air force. Her professional knowledge was soon recognized and she was assigned to the unit as a photographer and a flight lab technician. Marcel liked her colleagues for the unit and its commanders, and when they stood up for its virtues, they appreciated their honor by raising their rank. Marcel’s feelings and personal experiences, which were inhibited and introverted, were revealed in her emotional poems. On March 27, 1977, two months before her release, Marcel fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Beersheba, leaving a mother, four brothers and a sister, Condolences to the bereaved family Her commanding officer wrote: “Marcel was accepted by all of us as a committed and responsible soldier, ready to carry out any mission and advance the unit. All of us, her friends and commanders, loved her and appreciated her very much “

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