Margalit Ofer

Margalit Ofer

Son of Julius HaKohen and Ayala. Born on August 6, 1951 in Tel Aviv, he attended the Moshe Hess Elementary School and the ORT Yad-Singalovski High School. Throughout his years he was an outstanding student and excelled in the real and technical professions. His academic achievements came with great ease, and he completed his high school studies with special honors. He had an unusual technical sense and his final project for the title “Metal Technician” received the grade “10”. Ofer loved physical activity. He was quick and diligent and ran a lot, riding a motorcycle, marching, hiking and swimming. He was a handsome lad and perfect in body and soul. A Simcha and cheerful man who always combined wisdom and seriousness with a sense of humor, peace of mind and stability. Always, even in stressful times, he seemed relaxed and calm. Ofer was a son, brother, friend and exemplary man, loved by everyone. He is kind to everyone, kind and helpful. Ofer joined the IDF in early February 1970. As a natural continuation of his career, he volunteered for a pilots’ course because he wanted to serve his country as best he could. To rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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