Marcus, Aryeh

Marcus, Aryeh

Son of Erich and Molly. He was born on Wednesday, February 5, 1957, in Kibbutz Beit HaEmek, in the Ga’aton region, where he moved to Moshav Timurim in northern Lachish, where he studied at the Mevo’ot Elementary School in Be’er Tuvia, He completed his seventh year of junior high school at Beer-Tuvia Regional High School and continued his high school studies in the biological track. Aryeh was a disciplined and diligent student, and he spared no effort to succeed in his studies and win high grades. He was a skinny boy and looked a few years younger than his real age. In this lean body lay a rich and diverse soul. One of the most prominent characteristics of his character was his uncommon will to overcome any obstacle in his path. What was lacking in physical force was supplemented by the stubborn will. This trait was discovered in the school and later in the army. In the early years of the school, Aryeh was exposed to a poetic and sensitive soul. Poetry and prose were closer to his Lev than biological experiments and mathematical calculations. In writing essays he was placed, by the teachers, as an example for his friends. In his letters he traveled extensively with descriptions of landscapes, which were revealed to him on trips and trips. Even though his home was secular, he developed, on his own initiative, a deep affection for tradition. He particularly loved the atmosphere of the Sabbath night and the songs in her honor. He even asked for opportunities to pray in the synagogue. One of his friends relates that a few days before his death, these were the days before Rosh Hashanah, when Aryeh went with him to the synagogue and asked him questions about the World to Come and the remaining of the soul after it was separated from the body. Aryeh was friendly and did not quarrel with anyone. But when he encountered obvious injustice, he could not restrain himself and protested orally, and acted to correct the distortion. At the end of July 1975, Aryeh was drafted into the regular army service, after which he was assigned to a squadron course, but due to an accident that caused a fracture in his leg, he was forced to abandon this course. He moved to the Haruvit settlement in the Arish area and spent several months there. He was Simcha in this place and as a moshav, with an agricultural background, he set up a vegetable garden in the desolate place. He was able to stay in this place, but he decided to return to a squad commanders’ course and prove his military ability, as usual, overcome the physical limitations, and in the letters he sent home he boasted that he carried the heaviest weapons and that he helped friends overcome the hardships of the journeys The heavier the heavier the weapons, the greater his pride and full satisfaction. He fell in the line of duty – on the 26th of Elul 5706 (20.9.1976) was brought to eternal rest in the land of Moshav Timurim. Survived by his parents and sister. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “Aryeh was a soldier with a strong desire to succeed in fulfilling the tasks he was assigned.

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