Marasha, Gad

Marasha, Gad

Gad, son of Nurit and Dan Marsha, was born in 1971 in Ethiopia. In 1981, the family immigrated to Israel and immigrated to Israel. On 21.10.1990 he enlisted in the IDF, and after a year and eight months in which he served as an officer, he completed his course successfully and returned to his unit.
He served as commander of the trackers unit in the IDF Southern Command – the only Jewish member of a unit composed of Bedouin.
Lt.-Col. Nimer related: “Gadi always gave his soldiers the feeling that he was part of them. During the month-long Ramadan fast, he did not eat or drink in their presence. The Bedouin soldiers respected him for this. He fostered relations of trust and appreciation.”
On the 2nd of Tevet (December 28, 2000), an explosive device was discovered at the Kissufim checkpoint in the southern Gaza Strip. Gadi rushed to the event together with Border Police sergeant Sergeant Yonatan Vermolen. The two managed to neutralize one charge, but a second remote-controlled device detonated and killed them. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving two parents and two sisters.

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