Marantz, Jacob

Marantz, Jacob

Son of Chaya and Israel, was born on 27 August 1927 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the BILU school and in Mikvah Israel, and at the age of seven his knee suffered a severe blow and as a result Tuberculosis developed in the first chapter of his studies, but his strong desire overcame the weakness and over the years he could take on pioneering roles (At the age of nine he was about to be sent to Italy for training in music, but the doctors did not allow him to stop the treatment of the disease) and to paint, and at the age of 15 he went to training in Hulata, worked fishing, “Zevulun” and since 1946 worked as a sailor in the company “Atid.” Yaakov acquired knowledge of the languages ​​and knew seven languages. Take part in transporting materials and people from outside-to Israel. At the beginning of the War of Independence, following a UN resolution to partition the country into two states, he left the ship and joined the Palmach. He graduated commanders’ course and was sent with his escort convoys. On the 20th of Adar 2, 5708 (31.3.1948), a large caravan was organized near Hulda, a delay in organizing the convoy due to mishaps and mud on the way, enabling the Arab forces to organize and block their way. – They are in the cemetery in Hulda.

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