Maor, Tzur

Maor, Tzur

Son of Bracha and Ami, was born on April 1, 1958, in Haifa. Tzur began attending high school in Eilat and moved to a high school in Magdiel. Finally, he completed his studies at a high school in Eilat, where the family moved in the wake of his father, who was an officer in the navy and stationed in Eilat. His teachers testified that he was a born, responsible and dedicated leader. Tzur worked as a volunteer in the Civil Guard in Eilat, and was a member of the Scouts movement and the sailing club in Eilat. Tzur was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1976 and volunteered for the IAF after completing an eight-month course in aviation, and although he was a naval commando, he volunteered for the Armored Corps, And received a sergeant rank. For a time, Tzur taught at a tank commanders’ school. After completing an officer’s course and an armored officer course, he was appointed platoon commander, operations officer in the armored corps, deputy company commander, and finally was appointed commander of a company in a school for armored corps officers. He was also supposed to go on a special course abroad, before receiving the appointment of a battalion commander, who was highly praised by his commanders, who did not spare praise: “A very good officer, responsible, principled and valuable.” “A very good and promising officer,” “an excellent officer,” “with high potential for advancement.” Despite his difficulties, his sense of humor did not leave him for a moment, as his best friend Abby said: “His most prominent feature was the sense of humor. He nurtured a special relationship with the officer corps that worked with him, and he took his role seriously and invested his best and best in it.In the outbreak of the Peace for Galilee war, Tzur led his company with coolness and courage, while maintaining a sense of humor all the way On the 17th of Sivan, 5762 (February 8, 1982), Captain Tzur fell in the Peace of Galilee battle in the Battle of Jezine with the Syrian armor, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. An enemy tank destroyed on its way to the top of the mountain with eight enemy tanks, and when its tank dropped a chain at one of the crossings, it stopped the tank after it, When he reached the top of the mountain, Tzur opened fire on an enemy tank and was hit by an ambush in the nearby grove, and was promoted to the rank of Major Tzur left two parents and two brothers. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the defense minister wrote: “He was a very good officer, a responsible person with initiative and values. Tzur influenced his unit by his personality and his positive attitude toward those around him. He gave great confidence to the company’s soldiers during the fighting. “

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