Mansharov, Ephraim
Son of Yocheved and Aharon. He was born in 1917 in Derbent, the Caucasus, Russia. He immigrated to Palestine in 1924, his family settled in Petach Tikva and Ephraim attended the “Netzach Yisrael” school in the village. He worked for a living as a driver and during his free time was active in the Maccabi sports association. He also wrote poems. Ephraim was known for his courage and discovered this characteristic mainly during the years of the 1936-1939 events and when he drove without fear throughout the country. After the outbreak of World War II, he enlisted in the British army and was assigned to the cavalry corps. He served in Egypt and the Western Desert – in Marsa Matruch, in Sulom and in Tobruk. In March 1941, he was sent to Greece with the force intended to stop the German invasion of this country. After about a month the British army surrendered to the Germans and most of its men were taken prisoner. Ephraim was among them too. One day he escaped from the POW camp and returned to his unit, but the period of captivity harmed his health. He died of his illness on 24 Tishrei, 23 October 1943, and was buried at the Segula cemetery in Petach Tikva. He left a mother, three brothers and four sisters.