Mansano, David

Mansano, David

Son of Eliyahu and Zohara was born on 26 July 1935 in Fez, Morocco, where he completed his elementary studies in Morocco and began to work as a laborer, and he was a very rich man who owned a block factory and building materials. And he was a dedicated and loyal worker for the tasks that were imposed upon him, and after his employer saw that he was in great shape, he gave him the management of collecting the debts of the factory, and then David entered the factory with him and eventually purchased the factory and another factory that was opposite him and near him. In many areas, such as bookkeeping, building contracting, roads and bridges, after long persecution of Arabs in Morocco for being a helping person, David immigrated to Israel in 1973. He immigrated to Israel with his wife and daughter in 1973. When he immigrated to Israel, David studied at a Hebrew ulpan in Kibbutz Tzora for six months. David was recruited to the IDF in early January 1974 and was assigned to serve in the Haganah, where he was called from time to time to reserve duty and fulfilled his duties with love and devotion. On the 27th of Shevat 5732 (February 4, 1975) David fell in the line of duty. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Acre. He left behind a wife, daughter, mother and brothers. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “David arrived at our unit not so long ago, and his acquaintance with him was short, and his comrades met him for the first time in his service in the Haganah. They saw him as a good disciplined soldier and a man who was always ready to help his friends. His quiet and pleasant image will stand for a long time in front of his commanders and colleagues. “

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