Manovitz, Yosef

Manovitz, Yosef

Son of Sarah and Moshe, was born on December 1, 1962 in Tel Aviv to a family of diligent workers. He completed elementary school, was a graduate of the Max Payne vocational school and specialized in frameworks. Yosef was an enthusiastic athlete and a member of Maccabi and volunteer firefighters in Tel Aviv. He also joined the “Tzofim” and at the age of 16, the Hagana. He excelled in his service as a police officer in the settlements and enlisted in the Haganah for the army and served in the Givati ​​Brigade. Despite the difficult financial situation of the family, he abandoned his work and served in dangerous places like Hartuv, Atarot and others. Joseph was sent to the officers’ school and went as a sergeant with his company to the south. With the resumption of fighting at the end of the first truce, Givati ​​forces conquered the outpost of Ibdis. Joseph participated in the conquest of this regime and was privileged to see it by his comrades. In this battle he fell on the 9th of Tammuz 5708 (9.7.1948) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot.

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