Manny, Shlomo

Manny, Shlomo

Shlomo, son of Shoshana and David, was born on October 18, 1952, in Holon. He attended the Gordon Elementary School and the “Darom” High School. Shlomo liked to read and discuss literature and books on the Middle East and history. But most of all he liked to study the chapters of the Bible, especially in the book of Jeremiah, his friend talk about him: “He was a man of nature, a man of great expanses. He hated the rigid frame, He had two dreams: he wanted to reach Petra and he had detailed plans for execution. His second dream was herds of cattle and horses, far from town and city, to live in another world, full of innovations, extensive guarantees, cows, and shepherds. It was hard for him to spend a long time in one place, and he was always a wanderer. He traveled constantly in Israel and in the region. “Shlomo knew how to listen very well, and in his big heart was a great willingness to understand and sympathize, and even to counsel when necessary.” He was energetic and playful, with an excellent sense of humor. Shlomo was conscripted to the IDF in early February 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training, he took part in a training course for armored personnel carriers, and after serving in the army, he was sent to an officer’s course. After completing his training course for infantry officers and the training course for infantry officers, he was placed in a command post in the unit. He was an excellent officer and a model member, responsible and dedicated to his job, and concerned about his soldiers. He was awarded the Operational Service Award for his part in the operational activities. All his days in the army he tried not to worry his parents, he made sure to phone home and write letters to avoid worrying about the family. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, his unit was sent to the front in the Golan Heights, and was ordered to remain in a rear camp. Nevertheless, he packed his belongings and went to join his fellow fighters, in one of the armored personnel carriers, which loaded equipment for his transport to the front line, where Shlomo hid and thus reached the soldiers of the reconnaissance unit On the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973)Shlomo fell in a Combat rescue of Golani brigade soldiers near Buqa’a. was brought to rest in the Holon cemetery, leaving behind his parents and four sisters, and was promoted to lieutenant in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Shlomo fulfilled his role in a remarkable manner, “And his unit published a booklet called” Youth in the Sayeret “, in memory of its people who fell in the war, and Shlomo among them.

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