Malul, Salomon

Malul, Salomon

Salomon (Momi), son of Simi and Ya’akov, was born on August 9, 1937, in Tanjir, North Africa. Salomon was drafted into the IDF in mid-February 1958 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training he completed a course in the armored corps and was trained to serve as a driver in the Sherman tank. He completed his training successfully and was stationed in one of the field units of the Armored Corps. In the army, too, he quickly became fond of his friends and commanders. His commander wrote: “He was a disciplined and efficient soldier, and an excellent tank driver, and he was a favorite of all the soldiers in the company and they had an exemplary friend.” At the end of his regular service he was released and assigned to a reserve unit. He returned to Kiryat Shmona and began working in the “Upper Galilee” central garage, as a certified diesel engine mechanic. He never shied away from hard work and invested great effort in everything he did. At that time he married his girlfriend Emma, ​and eventually they had a son, Jacob, and two daughters, Sinia and Nira. In June 1967 he participated with his unit in the Six-Day War, fought in the Golan Heights and excelled as an excellent fighter. During the battles, his tank was hit and went up in flames. He managed to open one of the emergency openings and through it he rescued all the stunned crew members who remained in the tank. This act was commended by his commander. The Yom Kippur War also came out in a quiet Lev, as a person who knowsTowards what he goes. During the Yom Kippur War, Momy participated in the battle against the Syrians in the Golan Heights, as a tank driver. During the first days of the fighting, he met his brother, Yitzhak, and told him about the success of his team in the destruction of many enemy tanks. One day his tank broke down in battle, and he moved to another tank, whose driver was injured and taken to the rear. On October 15, 1973, his tank was hit by an anti-tank missile and Mumi was killed and brought to rest in the Kiryat Shmona cemetery, leaving behind a wife, son and two daughters, a mother and ten brothers. promoted to the rank of sergeant

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