Malkin, Eitan

Malkin, Eitan

Eitan, son of Mordechai and Rina, was born on July 26, 1941 in Givat Ada, where he studied at the Bialik Elementary School in Holon and then completed his studies at the “New High School” in Tel Aviv. He was an excellent student and loved by his teachers and classmates, and was an honest, optimistic and cheerful boy, and he helped to help his friends who had a hard time studying. He was also an active member of the United Movement and used to travel around the country with his fellow students And his mother told him that he would take advantage of every vacation to go out and find new places he had not yet visited, and he was also a basketball player and was a great player, and later became a member of Hapoel’s basketball team. Eitan was drafted into the IDF in early November 1959 and volunteered for the paratroopers. He completed his commanding officer’s course and was sent to a unit in the Central Command and was sent to the Infantry Officers Course and the Officers’ Training Course, where he was considered an excellent soldier and a responsible and dedicated commander.On the night of 20 Tishrei 5734 (15.10.1973) his half-track was hit by enemy missile fire and he was killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Holon. Survived by his parents and brother. His parents and friends erected a monument in his memory on the seashore near the Hapoel branch in Bat Yam.

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