Malki, Shabtai

Malki, Shabtai

Son of Nagola and Mordechai. Shabtai was born on 27.1.1957 in the colony of Migdal on the banks of the Sea of ​​Galilee. He attended elementary school in Tiberias. He completed his high school studies at the Tiberias youth center, where he studied carpentry. Shabtai’s family says he was a Lev, warm, sensitive boy and an outstanding student. He loved sports and music. In August 1974 Shabtai enlisted in the army and served in the army, and after leaving compulsory service in September 1977, he set up a carpentry shop in his parents’ home, where he worked and helped support the family. Shabtai served as a combat soldier in the Jordanian Border Police and was sent to serve as a combatant in the agricultural sector in the Jordanian sector, during which he was injured in two road accidents. It is absolutely valid to return to serve, despite his limitations, in repentance Hand perpetrators, but his request was denied and he was transferred to serve as directors of each company, a role that suited his physical. During the Peace for Galilee War, the company was sent to serve in Lebanon. Shabtai insisted on being with the unit, although his physical condition enabled him to remain in the rear. His request was given to him and he joined his unit. Before he was hit in the body, Shabtai’s commanders admired him as a policeman who performed his duties very well. After the injury, he was even more admired. Everyone felt his strong desire to be rehabilitated, and to fit into the unit as best he could. He always claimed that the day would come when he would return to the operational track as he began his career in the Border Police. But this day was too late. Saturn resurrected. They lived near his parents’ home in Migdal, and with the birth of his eldest son they moved to Tiberias. After a while his second son was born. Shabtai wanted very much to build a large family, he says, in order to add soldiers to the country, but his luck was not good, and his injuries in road accidents damaged the process. His wife Tehiya stood by him throughout the period of hospitalization and post-accident treatment, and helped rehabilitate and rehabilitate him. His neighbors say that Shabtai was a model neighbor and tried hard to help everyone. A policeman was killed in the second Tire disaster. During the Peace for Galilee War, while the IDF was operating against the PLO and Hizbullah organizations in Lebanon, the Border Police acted in collaboration with the Shin Bet to liquidate the nests of terrorists in the city of Tire. The fighters were housed in a facility that had two two-story buildings. On Friday, November 4, 1983, at 6:00 am, a pickup truck drove from the Rosh Hanikra-Zur highway to the facility, which was surrounded by a dirt embankment and a perimeter fence and was secured with constant protection. The pickup truck drove the gunner’s suspicion and opened fire. Another guard who noticed the incident also opened fire at the suspect. Despite the fire, the truck broke through the entrance gate to the facility and entered between the two buildings. The suicide bomber detonated the 500 kilograms of explosives in the car and caused the buildings to collapse. Sixty people were killed, including twenty-eight members of the security establishment. Shabtai was twenty-six years old when he fell. He was buried in the military section of the cemetery in Migdal. He left a wife, two sons, parents and four brothers and sisters. Shabtai’s commanders eulogized him: “It will be a long time before we get used to the fact that Shabtai’s place is absent from us and we will no longer see him in the company’s company. Despite his limitations as a result of an injury in a road accident, he continued to serve in an operational unit, attesting to his positive qualities “

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