Malka, Shlomo

Malka, Shlomo

Ben Sa’ada and Masoud. He was born on May 6, 1960 in Gan Yavneh, studied at the Sinai Elementary School in Gan Yavne, and completed his studies at the Mevo’ot Yam High School in the field of marine mechanics. In the Maintenance Corps. He completed basic training and after completing his course he was assigned to a tank mechanic in the armored corps unit as tank mechanic. About a year later, he took part in the course as maintenance inspectors and was assigned to the maintenance unit as a maintenance noncom. At the end of his regular service, Shlomo volunteered for career service and took part in a course against maintenance. In the assessments of his commanders in his personal file, he states: “He performs his duties with dedication, efficiency and professionalism, while demonstrating diligence and initiative, socially acceptable, and serves as a positive example in many areas.” “Excellent, responsible, willing to invest and develop, devotes his time to improving the system.” On the 5th of Elul 5709 (September 5, 1990), Shlomo fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Ashdod. He was survived by a woman – Yehudit, daughter of Keren, son of Kfir, father, six brothers – Meir, Ilan, Alon, Daniel, Shimon and Hananiah and eight sisters – Shoshana, Esther, Mazal, Iris, Sigalit, Meirav, Geula and Ninet.

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