Malka, Moshe

Malka, Moshe

Son of Penny and Maimon, was born on May 6, 1962 in Moshav Tirosh, where his parents immigrated from Morocco in 1954 with two children and settled in Moshav Tirosh in the area of ​​the Re’em Junction, where they had 11 sons and daughters and Moshe among them. The elementary school in the moshav, continued in junior high school in Srigim, and completed his studies at the Even Ezer high school in Moshav Nocham, and as a member of a traditional family, Moshe fulfilled the commandment of respect for a proper father and mother. Moshe was drafted into the IDF in early August 1980 and volunteered for the Armored Corps. After basic training, he took courses in the corps and was assigned to a combat unit. To his many friends, Moshe expressed his strong desire to return, after he was discharged from compulsory service, to Moshav Tirosh, to help his parents develop their farm and establish their own farm. On July 15, 1982, Corporal Moshe was killed in a battle in Lebanon during the war for the Galilee and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on which he In honor of the bereaved family, the defense minister wrote that Moshe “loved his army service, loved to help others and was loved by all.” “Moshe was a good soldier and devoted to his friends, always willing to help, even at the expense of his spare time,” he said.

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