Malecki, Benjamin

Malecki, Benjamin

Son of Michael. He was born in 1916 in Latvia. After agricultural training he received in his country of origin, he immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1936 and upon his arrival joined the Kibbutz “Ha-Miflas” in Kfar Saba. He made great efforts to adjust to the new conditions and was in the difficult tasks of work and day-to-day protection. After a while he went to work in the farmhouses of Kfar Yehezkel. He joined the Nutras in the Beit She’an Valley and reached Tel Amal in security and defense positions. On 9 Kislev, December 2, 1938, a group of Arab rioters, who had hidden in the swamp, shot three of them in the ambush. They were taken to rest in the cemetery at Tel Amal (Nir David). Upon receiving the news of his death, his father and sister from abroad wrote to his friends: “Thank you for the information you gave us about our son’s last moments, and we wanted to know who the people for whom he fell. I wanted to understand your great interest and now I understand”. In memory of the three guards, the observatory was called on the hill in Tel Amal called Mitzpeh Hashlosha.

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