Makiewski, Emanuel

Makiewski, Emanuel

Son of Tzila and Meir, was born on 29.1.1927 in Tel Aviv. Fourth generation in Israel. He completed the BILU religious school and the St. Lucas College in Haifa, where he spent his year in the Navarot and later helped his father in his wine and beverage business, devoted himself to his parents, but more to his homeland. “We, the youth, belong to Klal Yisroel and not to the parents, because our duty, the duty of the hour, demands dedication and sacrifice for all of Israel.” He expressed his loyalty to this statement in actions during the years of his service in the Irgun underground. To the rebirth of the State of Israel. He was also presumed to have taken part in an Etzel attack on the Manshiyya neighborhood in northern Jaffa, and then went to the Irgun’s battle for Ramle, where he fell in battle with the rest of his friends on the 11th of Iyar 5708 (May 20, 1948). On the fourth anniversary of Nufelem, on May 6, 1952, they were brought to eternal rest in a grave in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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