Magrik, Michael

Magrik, Michael

Michael ben Chaim and Ella’s eldest son. He was born on the 17tht of Sivan, June 21st, 1951 in Moscow. In 1971 he was drafted into the Russian army and served in the Engineering Corps, in the fire brigade. While in Moscow, he began to study Hebrew and was one of the activists of Aliyah. In March 1977, Michael fulfilled his ambition, left his family and immigrated to Israel alone. Michael devoted his free hours to help a disabled student with his studies. Michael was drafted into the IDF in April 1978 and received a service deferral as a result of his studies, and in September 1978 he was called up for an active reserve duty from which he did not return. On the 12th of Elul, September 12, 1978, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by his parents and sister in Russia.

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