Magar, Nissim (‘Nessi’)

Magar, Nissim (‘Nessi’)

Son of David and Haviva. Born on August 22, 1956 in Tel Aviv, he moved to Kiryat Ono, where he studied at the Talmim Elementary School, the Sharett Elementary School and the son of-Zvi High School, “Nissim or Nasi, as they called him, was a good student at the school, but he devoted most of his attention to sport, he had a natural talent in this field and was even a member of the national soccer team. Nissim was a stamp collector, was an avid music enthusiast, and acquired a fairly considerable record, and he also showed talent for painting and won a certificate of excellence for his paintings in the framework of a young talent competition. HL-Force and was assigned to the connection. During the course of his service, he underwent a combat course for infantry, a rifle training course, a course for wireless operators, a course for commanders, a basic officers’ course and a course for officers of the Israel Defense Forces. After he had tasted the taste of the battle and after seeing his friends hurt, he decided to volunteer for the permanent service, and at his request he was stationed in the Ofira area, where he was appointed commander of a contact company. Now, when his request was given to him, he lost no time and led weekly trips with his unit to familiarize himself with the landscape and to maintain fitness in the desert conditions. He was promoted to the rank of captain on 18 January 1979. He was taken to an eternal rest in the military cemetery and left behind his parents and brother, in a letter of condolence to the family: “Captain Nissim served as company commander “In his memory, Ophira held a football match between the local team and the Israel Defense Forces team, and the local team won the game, and the trophy remained at Ophira, Nissim’s favorite place, son of-Zvi ‘in Kiryat Ono, there is a permanent exhibition of the father’s paintings, as a memorial project in memory of Nissim.

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