Maclab, Yaakov

Maclab, Yaakov

Ben Hadassah and Eliyahu. Born in Jerusalem on June 13, 1975, a third child in a family of three, Yaakov grew up, studied and was educated in Jerusalem, and was a gifted child who, as a child, Jacob studied at the Masada elementary school and at the Denmark Comprehensive High School, an outstanding student with a very high intellectual level, and according to his teachers, Yaakov was an intelligent and serious young man whose very presence enriched the entire class. He studied at the School for Youth in Science and at the Open University, and has enriched his education in extensive chemistry and physics studies, Over the years, Jacob acquired six languages ​​on Buryan, speaking Hebrew, English, French, German, Arabic and Spanish, a handsome, pleasant and shy little boy. Yaakov was an active member of the school’s board of directors and an initiator in the design of social classes, he showed responsibility, order and punctuality, respect for others and openness to others, and his many hobbies were reading, listening to music, To. He graduated cum laude with honors. His classmates wrote in the yearbook: “This student is considered a genius, in every profession there is a dictionary …”. Already in his youth he was defined as “a man of the world and a man of clusters.” In the middle of October 1993, Yaakov was drafted into the army, and at the end of the basic training course he was assigned to serve as a computer noncom in the PCR. According to his commander, Yaakov was a high-quality soldier, diligent and broad-minded, with a strong desire to succeed in his position, who invested in his work far beyond what his duty required. On the 5th of Adar 5755 (5.3.1995), Yaakov fell to the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving behind his parents and two sisters, Iris and Talia, at the age of twenty. The commander of the unit wrote: “Yaakov stood out as a model soldier and an exceptionally intelligent man. Volunteered to fill the place of the soldiers of the branch and stayed for long hours. His kindness to his commanders and friends was a great thing. “Members of his family perpetuated the memory of Yaakov Benner and the books donated to the synagogue in Jerusalem and the writing of a verse in a Torah scroll that was placed in the synagogue of the Western Wall.

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