Lupu, Sommer (wolf)

Lupu, Sommer (wolf)

He was born in Turgunyametz, Romania, on November 6, 1924. He studied at a school in his hometown and later studied tailoring, and in his youth he joined the Habonim youth movement and was a member of the movement in Bucharest. In the year 5704 he immigrated with his friends from his movement to Eretz Israel and the group joined Kibbutz Tel Yosef in the Jezreel Valley. After a short period in the kibbutz, Sommer decided that he preferred to live his life in the city, moved to Tel Aviv and worked in tailoring. In December 1947, at the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted in the Palmach and went on to military training in Givat Haim, where he joined the 4th Battalion of the Harel Brigade, which was based in Kiryat Anavim. And on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road, where the British radar base was handed over to the Arab Legion, and on May 22, 1948, the site was conquered by the IDF, but the Legion returned and conquered it. On the 17th of Iyar 5708 (26.5.1948) in a desperate attempt to capture the hill back, Sommer fell in battle and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim. His memory was immortalized in the monument of the Harel Brigade on the summit of Har Adar.

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