Luke, Hezekiah

Luke, Hezekiah

Their son-in-law of Noah-Baruch and Sarah. Born on July 17, 1948 in Tel Aviv at the height of the War of Independence, he studied at the elementary school in Ramat Hahayal and was a member of the “Sinai” movement of the Mahanot Ha’olim movement, He was always cheerful and courteous, and after graduating from elementary school he studied at the agricultural school “Hakfar Hayarok” near Tel Aviv, where he was educated in the spirit of nationalism and the willingness to sacrifice, and often told his mother: “So what is it? If we have to die we will die. “Hezekiah was drafted into the IDF in November 1966 and assigned to the Armored Corps. He was a good disciplined soldier and did not argue against the harsh military life when he arrived home for short vacations. Anyone who was interested and asked about the situation in the canal would answer with optimism and confidence. According to the recommendations of his commanders, he was to go to an officer’s course-indeed, he had the qualities necessary to be a good commander in all respects and had a good chance of continuing up the ranks for his virtues. He planned to study agriculture after his release, but did not get it. On the 18th of Av 5729 (18.7.1969), the day before his discharge from the regular army, he fell in enemy shelling in the area of ​​the Suez Canal, and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. : “I was your son’s commander and I learned to recognize him. I worked with him under conditions from different conditions and in all of them he proved himself. Honesty, honesty, concern for others and, above all, his constant smile restored our hearts. He was a devoted commander both to his subordinates and to his commanders, and therefore they all admired him. He knew how to be firm and sometimes even tough, but preferred to be soft and comfortable and acceptable to everyone. A commander with self-awareness and self-discipline was able to appreciate above all those small things that stemmed from pettiness. About two weeks after his departure, he had to leave for an officers’ course, where his success was assured in advance because of his qualities. But I did not summarize his path because it is difficult to sum up a path that has not yet ended, because even though the strength of his place of residence is not absent here. Among us he lives and fills an unforgettable place in our most Yaffa and exciting experiences. And again not to summarize I came but to participate in your suffering and your sorrow – – – “.

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