Lotama, Avraham

Lotama, Avraham

Son of Hanna-Leah and Moshe, was born in 1906 in the city of Zabadi, in the district of Bialystok, Poland. He had a high school education. From his childhood he joined the Zionist movement. He was a member of Hechalutz and joined the pioneering training commune in Lipnik, Poland, and from there immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1928. When he arrived in Israel he worked as a professional worker in the building and later began working for the Keren Kayemeth in Tel Aviv, continuing this work until his last day. He liked his managers and his friends at work and bought him many friends, being virtuous and always ready to help others. From the day he learned of the loss of his family in Poland, he found no rest. He was a member of the Palestine Workers’ Party and the General Federation of Labor, was aware of what was happening in the Yishuv and the public. He was an active member of the Hagana and gave much of his time to security matters. Carefully kept all the details of his work and told no one about them. At the outbreak of the War of Independence he enlisted immediately and served in the “Kiryati” brigade, despite being above the age of enlistment. Avraham fell in a camp near Lod-Ramle on the 9th of Cheshvan 5709 (November 9, 1948.) He was laid to rest in the Nahalat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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