Lopez, Nathan (“Gingi”)

Lopez, Nathan (“Gingi”)

Nathan (“Gingi”) Lopez, son of Yeshayahu and Miriam, was born on the 26th of Tevet, January 5, 1932 in the city of Poltosk, Poland. Two years after entering elementary school, World War II broke out and the family was deported to White Russia until 1941. Nathan joined the Haganah when he was 16, leaving behind his parents and in August he arrived in Israel. He belonged to the HaShomer haTsa’ir youth movement. Nathan immediately asked to join the army but because of his tender age his request was rejected and it was only in 1950 that he entered the service, Nathan was one of the drivers in the southern Negev and because of his cheerful temperament and shining face he was a favorite of all his friends, and all were pleased with the missions he conducted. On the 20th of Elul 5710 (September 2, 1950), Nathan left with his friends on a missions to Wadi Raddi near Eilat. On the way, infiltrators attacked them and he was among the fallen. Nathan was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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