Livny, Boaz

Livny, Boaz

Son of Avraham and Rachel. He was born on 21.1.1959 in Ramat Gan. After the family moved to Tel Aviv, he began to study at the Yavneh elementary school: “When I remember Boaz, I remember the clear days and the shining sun: pale blue eyes, and a golden curly hair falling on his forehead. All these teachers were in agreement: a student with a quick, responsible, orderly, courteous approach, good achievements, high abilities. More than once his friends chose him as a member of the class committee, thanks to his skills and his responsibility. He and his close friends were friends on the basis of sincerity and mutual dedication. “These qualities also accompanied Boaz when he studied at the Ironi D high school in Tel Aviv, “When one of his teachers bemoaned Boaz, in August 1977, after graduating from high school, Boaz enlisted in the IDF. He was assigned to the Armored Corps and after basic training he entered the Armored Corps School and studied the tank. A year later, he completed a course for tank commanders and was awarded the rank of sergeant. He was assigned to operational work. “Boaz had a sensitivity and a shy smile that earned him admirers among his fellow commanders, and even more so among his young subordinates, who found him the embodiment of honesty, humility, honesty and truthfulness, never raised his voice to a soldier who had committed a crime. And even when he needed harsh words, he always knew how to do so with reason, tact, and wisdom. ” Indeed, he was a commander for example and glory. On the 5th of Shevat, 5739 (February 5, 1979), Boaz was killed while performing his duties in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and brother On the first anniversary of his fall, At the Ironi D ‘high school where he studied. At the same time, the Gal-Ad, stationed by its comrades at the site of its fall, was transferred to the defenders’ forest near Nachshon Junction.

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  • Name: אבנר לבני
    Relationship: אח

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